RAG was one of the proud hosts of world-famous Italian Artist Michelangelo Pistoletto who visited Finland in March, 2015.

Panel discussion “Innovation needs (he)arts” on 24 March, 2015 was held in Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma, Helsinki, Finland. What a great opportunity it was to hear and reflect the ideas of innovation, and how innovation can be flourished when combining versatile expertise, including art.

Panel discussion participants:
Michelangelo Pistoletto
Mika Aaltonen (Aalto University)
Joonas Ahlava (Rapid Action Group)
Rossana Becarelli (Rete Mediterranea di Medical Humanities)
Jokke Eljala (Suomalaisen työn liitto)
Katja Lemberg (Kasvajat ry/ Kasvava)
Krista Mikkola (Emerita president BJCEM)
Kristiina Niikkonen (Ministry of the Environment)
Pirkko Siitari (Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma)

Moderator: Eija Tarkiainen (Lento Research Group)

Thank you to all panelists as well as to audience!