In this series of events organized by Rapid Action Group and Amcham Finland, seven excellent Finnish and one Estonian food producer as well as one of the most prestigious Finnish design brands will introduce their offering to the US market. The participating companies are Estofoods, Finlayson, Goodio, Heimon Kala, Helsinki Wildfoods, Kiantama (Biokia), Makulaku, Muuti, and SunSpelt. All of these participating companies are a great fit to the US market.
The dinners will take place Monday 18th, Wednesday 20th and Thursday 21st of January 2016.
This is a unique chance for industry professionals from New York City and around, namely grocery chain and design house buyers, to try an array of Finnish and Nordic tastes and get acquainted with Finnish design. We bring together the most promising Finnish companies to enter the US market and the best chains in New York and neighboring states. Producers will meet some 20 buyers, two distributor companies, and media representatives.
Participants have a versatile selection of high quality products. Helsinki Wildfoods produces nettle and xylitol products among other wild food goodies. Makulaku makes delicious licorice products and is already launching on the east coast. Goodio is a raw chocolate maker and their handmade organic treats are stone grinded for two days before packaging. SunSpelt’s organic spelt products are highest class in their category and produced in a uniquely sustainable way.
Furthermore, the berries in Biokia’s berry products are handpicked and grown is the wild forests of the Finnish nature. Heimon Kala has luxurious fish products that are rare in the US market. Estofoods focuses on promoting the healthy and nutritious Nordic rye bread. Muuti produces children’s smoothie snacks that are designed for making both the children and parents happy. Finally, Finlayson is a great design brand with a colorful history and now reaches to the US market with new and some already formed partnerships.
For more information, please contact
Iida Korhonen
Leading Consultant
Rapid Action Group Ltd
tel. +358 400 602 713